Monday, 30 November 2009

There is nothing wrong with cookie cutter!

Yes, you read the title right, it is okay to be cookie cutter!

Seriously, how many times have you heard someone refer to a wedding as totally cookie cutter? I have heard it a million times and even out of my own mouth.

After I wrote my style post last week I began thinking about the term cookie cutter wedding, it's negative connotation, and the whole concept in general. After much thought I began to realize that cookie cutter is a choice and completely acceptable. Our culture has created a mold for what a wedding can look like, so why not use it?

Now, I am not preaching that you should copy someone's wedding exactly, but don't feel pressure to make your wedding nothing like anyone elses. Some brides get so caught up on not being cookie cutter that they exaust all of their energy coming up with crazy ideas, but not because they want to but because they feel they have to.

Your planning process should be enjoyable and spent creating a day that suits your style and personality and if it ends up cookie cutter, so be it!

I know some of you may think my concept is crazy, so I challenge you to make holiday cookies this season without a cookie cutter and let me know how it goes!

