Friday, 2 October 2009

Walmart wedding

Before you roll your eyes and call this wedding tacky, hear me out. I know the words "Walmart wedding" probably don't make you think of a classy affair, but I think these two got it right. Instead of standing in the cereal aisle amongst garish boxes of Lucky Charms, they put some thought into their wacky wedding plans.

The bride wore dark lavender, the groom black jeans. Flowers were everywhere. The York Walmart Supercenter hosted its first wedding Saturday when Crystal Newsome and Robert “Vick” Vickrey exchanged vows amid hanging baskets and seasonal foliage in the lawn and garden department.

See!? Would you ever know this is Wal*Mart? It looks lovely and the purple/black/green color scheme really works for me.

“We had our first kiss at Walmart,” Crystal recalled. Robert has been with Walmart for 12 years and is the grocery department manager. With five years behind her at the company, Crystal is the deli manager. Friendship blossomed into romance about two years ago.

Robert has three grown children and four grandchildren. Crystal has four children. Her oldest son, 6-year-old Keagan, walked her down the “aisle,” a white runner. The entire blended family was part of the wedding while Walmart employees gathered with more friends to hear Crystal and Robert exchange their vows. “We put an invitation up near the time clock for a while,” Crystal said. She laughed at her co-workers' reactions: “Are you kidding? Why would you want to be here on your day off?" "We both work here, we met here, it all started here, why not?” Robert said of his Walmart wedding.

Getting married in the garden department was really smart. All the lush greenery really makes up for the harsh florescent lighting. Remember the 99 Cent store wedding? I loathe florescent lighting so much, it's all I could see when I looked at the pictures. So, newlyweds, I applaud your efforts to have the nicest wedding possible at a big box store. Good luck!


