Monday, 12 October 2009

Inspiration Colors and Themes

The engagement festivities are officially done. It was an exhausting weekend, and as I am processing all of the pictures, I am also still processing all of the events in my mind. It went by fast - that's for certain. I'll write more when I have some pictures loaded from camera...

In the meantime, I was perusing some websites tonight and found this....Can I just say WOW. This throws a monkey wrench in my reception decor inspiration board that I last posted....but it's a good monkey wrench....this is outrageously gorgeous!!! it back to the drawing board on color schemes and decor? 

BUT....then I also saw this.....which is a incredibly accurate version of the colors I had in mind for the reception. The greens and the purples go together SO well....


and the nature theme....

Or the soft, romantic themes...

So, couple inspirations here....
1. bright, sunny and cheery
2. sophisticated, nature, jewel tone
3. nature, "organic", earthy
4. romantic, soft, pretty

hmmmmmm......decisions decisions......and tomorrow I'll probably have six other choices! any of these go better with our ORIGINAL theme for the entire week of events - "ocean-nature-art"? 

