Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Wedding Binder

Image from Russel and Hazel

Keeping with my organizer theme from yesterday, I thought I would introduce you to how this bride keeps herself organized. My MOH gave me a wedding planner, but I realized it didn't fulfill my organization needs, so I decided to make my own binder.

All you need is a 3 ring binder (I have a 1 inch one right now, but will probably upgrade to a 1 1/2 inch), dividers, and page protectors or a 3 hole punch.

You should come up with categories that fit your wedding the best. My categories are Basics, Attire, Beauty, Paper, Ceremony, Reception, Photography, and Honeymoon. I think I need to break my categories down even more, so I might eventually create even more dividers. Start off with what you think will work, but be willing to add more or take away some after a while.

My basics category includes stuff like my budget, guest list, and to do list. Attire includes attire for me, my bridesmaids, and the men. Beauty is tips on beauty routines, products, and other stuff I've came across. Paper includes information on what needs to be in each paper product I make. Ceremony includes the order of the ceremony and vows that I like. Reception includes information on catering, bar, decorations, and cake. Photography includes a list of must have pictures. Honeymoon includes excursions we're interested in, a packing list, and tips that I have gathered from Cruise Critic.

I printed off some worksheets from Russel and Hazel and included them in their perspective sections. I also created a bunch of my own worksheets, which I plan on adding to the blog at a later date. Then, every time I found something in a bridal magazine I liked, I tore out the page and hole punched it and put it in a section so I could reference back to it later. You can also put these in page protectors, but that's more expensive.

I definitely recommend keeping a binder with everything wedding related in it. It will help you keep more organized and have more control of your event.

