Thursday, 10 September 2009

Poached Peaches

From my little paperback French cookbook came a recipe for peaches poached in wine. I made it as written, but only made around half, using an unconscionably good wine that just happened to be leftover from a couple nights ago. And from my peck of peaches, I have only 2 left that aren't cooked!

Peaches in Wine
3/4 cup red wine
3/4 cup water
2/3 cup sugar
1 cinnamon stick
4 peaches, peeled & cut in quarters

Bring the first 4 ingredients to a boil in a pot just big enough for a layer of peaches. Add the peach quarters to the boiling mixture, turn down to a simmer, and cook for 10 minutes. Remove the peaches, boil down the liquid a bit more, pour over the peaches, and chill.

It was quite delicious, very subtle -- and especially good following pasta with slow-roasted tomatoes and other local produce, along with a bit of Canadian goat cheese and Gilroy garlic.

Now of my peck of peaches, only two raw ones remain for tomorrow's breakfast. Of my peck of tomatoes, also two remain uncooked, plus a few slow-roasted tomatoes for bruschetta, a bag of them in the freezer, and some leftover ratatouille. We've eaten quite a few dinners of exclusively farmers market produce and Ernst farm meat. I admit that I was afraid I had over-bought, and I'm glad I applied myself to making good use of all the bounty.

