Friday, 11 September 2009

Elizabeth Taylor - Wedding #8

Elizabeth Taylor met her 8th and final (for now) husband at the Betty Ford clinic. Gossip magazines exploded when they found out that her new beau Larry Fortenski was 20 years younger, and -gasp!- a working man.

The two were married on October 6, 1991 at the Neverland Ranch (Michael Jackson's infamous former home).

For some reason, Michael Jackson graced the cover of her magazine spread.

Also, Larry, you have the first mullet to ever grace the Blogger of the Bride. Sigh.

She definitely has a more mature look, but she's a beautiful woman no matter how old she is. I'll be honest, I don't like this dress. It looks a little too country kitsch to me. But again, when you marry eight times, you're free to play with the look.

The wedding cost an estimated 2 million dollars. Jackson gave away the bride, who wore a pale yellow gown by Valentino. Fortensky's best man was Liz's hairdresser, Jose Eber. Among the 150 guests were Liza Minnelli, Eddie Murphy and former first lady Nancy Reagan. All strained to hear the nuptials as a beehive of paparazzi helicopters swarmed overhead.

The two were married for almost 5 years exactly - they divorced on Halloween 1996. He later went on to spend time in prison for assaulting his girlfriend. Classy.

Elizabeth Taylor is still in the public eye, though only occasionally. She is sadly confined to a wheelchair these days due to scoliosis and other physical maladies, but she's still a lovely lady. Recently she is most notable for being BFF with Michael Jackson. The two had a fast friendship since they were both in the public eye from a very early age, and had enormous amounts of gossip written about them in tabloids. Apparently they used to wear disguises and go to the movies together.

I hope you've enjoyed Elizabeth Taylor week as much as I have! She's a really interesting woman, and I admire her gutsy spirit.


