Friday, 7 August 2009

Robot bride

I've discussed my love for Halloween and geeks, but I haven't yet mentioned my love for robots! I love robots! This is probably why I love Japan so much - they love robots too. The latest robot is named HRP-4C, and she recently had a very special day:

Not too many brides walk down the aisle alone and to Billy Jean, but that HRP-4C, she's an original.

The HRP-4C robot, created by Kazuhito Yokoi of the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, modeled wedding gowns created by fashion designer Yumi Katsura at a hotel Wednesday in Osaka, Kyodo News reported Thursday.

"I wanted to use it for fashion and entertainment," Yokoi said of his 5-foot-2 creation. The researcher stood by in a tuxedo as the 95-pound robot took small steps down the catwalk.

"I feel happy, and at the same time lonely, just like a bride's father," Yokoi said.

That statement makes me SO SAD. Don't worry Yokoi, your robot daughter will visit you on robot father's day and every other robot New Year. That is, if her robot mother-in-law doesn't mind.

Oh, robots. They make my heart happy.


