Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Gina's Butterfly Reception - New Product Test Site ;)

I'm only half joking about the product test site- Gina has so many new items at her reception it's crazy! Gina's colors of purple and green are just stunning and the butterfly theme is subtle on each piece.

Letterpress coasters! If you are one of my brides, custom coasters are very reasonable as favors. Ask for details. (What a cool save the date too ;) )

Placecards that hang from the chivari chairs!

Even Gina's seating chart is new - it doubles as a signature mat. The guests sign their name around the outside.

Table numbers

Out of town boxes tags

Valet tags for the rearview mirror

Menus that wrap around the napkins - Gina's will have pretty green napkins and a flower tucked in.

AND, last but certainly not least - custom fan shaped programs! I designed the program fans for Danielle, who's things will be posted next week. LOVE it!

