Monday, 9 March 2009

Blogging African Women in Cinema

At the start of my research on African women in cinema in 1996, I asked the question: What is an African woman's vision, her gaze, her way of seeing and visualizing? I began to explore the interests and desires of African women in front of and behind the camera, both as actor and as filmmaker—as well as other filmmaking professionals, which evolved into the on-going African Women in Cinema Project: the documentary, Sisters of the Screen: African Women in the Cinema, the book, Sisters of the Screen: Women of Africa on Film, Video and Television; the Center for the Study and Research on African Women in Cinema and the African Women in Cinema Blog. Others before me have posed similar questions which have informed my own research and work. These questions are still relevant today as an African Women in Cinema Studies emerges, positioning itself within its own space for critical inquiry. The emerging discourse on African Women in Cinema Studies encompasses the films themselves, auto/biographies, film criticism, film analysis, and interdisciplinary approaches at the intersection of culture, development, and political economy. The blog serves as a forum for discussion and sharing of information.

The blog explores themes such as:

• The evolution of African women in cinema

• African women and the cinematic gaze

• African women’s visual imaginary

• The political economy of African women in the moving image

• The filmic representation of African women

The blog follows current events relevant to African women in cinema such as:

• Festivals

• Films in progress

• Announcements for grants and funding

• Call for scripts

• Production related topics

• Academic topics such as conferences, panel discussions, articles and call for papers

And more…

