Monday, 1 December 2008

Sport, Theme & Hobby Favor Ideas

Snow Globes

Due to obligations with our jobs and other family and friends wedding schedules, we decided to marry near the end of January. As I sit at home writing this with our second blizzard this week (355 days until my wedding-same time next year) I think it's perfect what we chose for a favor/place card. Snow Globes, with the guests name and table setting inserted in the middle. On the other side, a personal note from my fiance and myself thanking them for their support and wishing them love. The internet enabled us to find small plastic globes for about $2.50 a piece. The guests can take the Snow Globes home and insert pictures of their own as a keepsake. Perfect, especially if it snows next year too!

Santa's Toy Sack

I have purchased a few meters of pre-starched fabric which I am going to wet and shape into tiny sacks. (like Santa's toy sack) When they dry my MOH and I are going to paint them the color of the bridesmaids dresses (Navy blue) tie a piece of cording around them and fill them with mints in tulle. Along with that we are having tiny terra cotta pots painted Navy on the outside and either Gold or Ivory on the inside and fill them with flower seeds wrapped in tulle.

News Story

I am a writer, so I am writing a single page newsletter, Our Wedding Times, for the guests. It will have a brief "editorial" thanking everyone for attending, a "news story" detailing the story of my fiance and I, a "This Day in History" section which lists memorable events in history, music and sports which occurred on the same day as our wedding, a "Horoscope" section, giving a romance horoscope for every sign and a "Feature" section giving odd bits of wedding trivia such as how certain traditions came to be. I'll print these out on my computer, roll them up scroll style and slip a dime-store wedding band around each one. They'll be placed at all the tables for the guests at the reception.

Lake Superior

Jay and I are getting married in august 2000. We are having an outdoor reception off of Lake Superior. Our tables are going to be named after bays and harbors around the lake, with the head table being 'Lake Superior'. The tables names will be written on heavy paper that will be held in place with a large lake rock that we are having scored on top to hold the paper upright. In order to incorporate more of this theme, the place cards are going to be small, flat, smooth rocks with people's names written on each using a silver paint pen. Fortunately these place cards and table names cost nothing except the paint pen and some paper!!! The look of the wedding is simple, casual and elegent.

Hockey Pucks

We are using hockey pucks. we got engagment pictures done and we are putting one of the pictures on the pucks. our guests can use them as paper wieghts or just as a keepsake. i forgot to let you know how much we are spending on each puck approx. 3.00 per puck. we chose pucks because we are big hockey fans. we have a wedding consultant and with her and our phohtgraphers help they should turn out great.she thought it was an awesome idea. thanks for taking the time to share in our ideas.

Fish Hooks

My beau and I have talked about giving large "good luck" fish hooks. Eagle Claw I think they're called. He is an AVID fisherman and has even got me to enjoy wading a river looking for these slippery things! I have thought about attaching personalized ribbon that says "catch of a lifetime" with our names on it. No one will have to guess why we chose these as favors! They guys can wear them on their ball caps and the ladies can put them in their cars on the visor for good luck. It's a different idea and will go with my other ideas of having fishing creels w/ gummy fish and worms in it to munch on during the reception. I really like the idea of having both of our "tastes" reflecting on our special day b/c every other frilly thing will certainly be my idea!! I think they are only about a dollar a piece, plus the expense for the ribbon and I can buy them just about anywhere.

Court Jester
From Carolyn, Montana

Our favors are going to be jesters on a stick. I will be making them so that they can be spun between your hands and bells on the collars will ring. A good time to kiss, don't you think. Each jester will have an attached "Thank you" for sharing our special day. "Laugh Often". My fiance is a real jokester. He is always making someone laugh. I felt it only appropriate to put these jesters on each table to reflect Jerry's sense of humor. I found clown heads that are used on birthday cakes, and I will make the three pointed jester hat and attach it with beads on each point. Then a gold ribbon with the bells and the thankyou note will hang from his collar. Glue the head to a six inch dowel and you are set


Well for my daughters wedding shower her theme was Cinderella so I thought I would stay with the theme. I took little plastic pumpkins and inside I put miniature mantel clocks and then decorated the outside with leaves and ribbon. I attached a little note that had the bride and grooms name on it and said thanks for sharing your time with us. Then on each table in the middle I was able to get pumpkin candle coaches. I put a mirror under the coaches so the light from the candle would flicker off the mirror, I sprinkled confetti leaves around on the table. Around the room I put pumpkins of all sorts some decorated with fall flowers and others just pumpkins. It looks so nice and since she is getting married in the fall it took both themes fall and Cinderella. On the tables I found pumpkin candy dishes and filled them with candy and peanuts for everyone to nibble on. Hope you get some more good ideas

Chocolate Golf Balls
From Becky C

We gave out chocolate golf balls to each guest. I placed a golf ball (wrapped in silvery/while foil with dimples on it) on blue Easter grass, inside a square plastic box (with gold hearts all over it), along with 2 tees with our names and date on them. The boxes came shipped in a plastic bag type wrap, then I tied them together with a blue ribbon with our names and date on that as well. They were a hit! Each guest thought this was a great idea. My husband and I are both avid golfers, hence we had our reception at a local country club. In addition, my shower was held at a country club as well.

Bird Houses

From Allan & Christine, Aurora, Ontario Canada I really wanted something different for favors and centerpieces. I wanted to use the theme that the marriage isn't about the wedding day itself but a lifetime of up's and down's. ( yes, I'm a social worker! ) So I had planned to make bird houses as replicas of different places included in a village, church, corner store doctor's office...ect. The idea of, it takes a village to raise a child. However, I stumbled upon these bird houses at a local warehouse sale for only five dollars each (Canadian). Instead of candles I have bought small mini lights to decorate the edges of the roof. As favours I am having, you guessed it bird seed to be gently tossed at us outside of the museum we are being married at and tiny white doves adorn hand made he and she are married hershey bars.

Chocolate Dog Bones
From Christine and Steve, Minnetonka, MN

We are both animal lovers, as all of our family and friends who are coming to our wedding know, and share our home with quite a few pets, including 3 dogs, one of whom we adopted from a rescue operation. We decided that we would make chocolate dog bones, from a candy mold and melted chocolate from Michaels craft shop. We will decorate these with a ribbon, and tag which will indicate that we have made a donation in memory of all of our loved ones who are sharing our special day with us to the Canine Rescue operation which we adopted our dog Sabrina from, so that they may help other abandoned and abused animals find loving homes. We will either have these at each place at the tables, or may have them in a basket by our guest book.

Christmas Ornaments
From Sharon

We are having a Christmas wedding and the favors were very hard to decide on because there is so much you can do for holidays, but we decided we are going to take Christmas ornaments and put our names and date of wedding on them with gold stickers. I am getting married on October 23, 1999. I am going to make 400 long stem chocolate roses to give out as favors. To do this I am buying the candy molds and melting chocolate wafers and pouring it into the mold and inserting long lollipop sticks in to the chocolate. After all are made I am going to wrap each one is a small bag and make an arrangement with them in a basket.

Golf Tees
From Jackie Hicks

My fiancé and I are having golf tee sets made up with our name and wedding date on them. They look like a matchbook and have 4 tees and a ball marker in it. We are both avid golfers and our reception is at a country club so we thought that would be a little different!!!

Golf Balls
Andrea & Todd Campbell, Ottawa, Canada

We are wrapping up golf balls and golf tees with our names and wedding date engraved, tied with the Campbell tartan ribbon. Todd and his family are avid golfers, and this favor will also tie into the Scottish theme of our wedding (the guys are wearing kilts and all)!

Book-like Favors
From Kathy & Bill, 5-22

We purchased favor boxes that sort of look like little books. They have a top that opens up like the cover of a book to reveal the opening in the box. By the "binding" of the book, we put a navy ribbon personalized with our names and date in gold. To hold the "cover" of the book closed, we used a small light yellow satin rose. We are going to print the guests name and table number on a clear address label and put it on the front of the box to look like the "title". Inside the box will be personalized candy conversation hearts. They will say "Kathy Loves Bill", "Bill Loves Kathy", "May 22nd 1999", "DBmahn and DBmaan" (nicknames of sorts) and "Lady and Chubbs" (our "children" - (pets)). We chose books because we sell books on the internet off our own web page and on eBay. It is our side business. The cost of the boxes, ribbon, roses and candy is about $2.50-$3.00 each.

Political Buttons
From Angela & Chad, 3-11-2000, Shreveport, Louisiana

We are using elephants for the theme at our reception and we are both into GOP politics so for the favours we are making "political" buttons. They will have both of our pictures and our wedding date on them. I think we will probably make them into magnets because nobody will really wear a button. As far as cost, I am not sure yet. We are making them ourselves.

Chocolate & Crossword Puzzles
From Betsy

We were thinking of using Stephany's Chocolates, maybe wrapped in tulle. We're getting married in Denver, and they're a Denver company whose signature chocolate is the Denver Mint, so I'd thought I'd use those. I also thought about doing a personalized crossword puzzle. All the answers could be about us (how we met, where we were born, etc). I thought we could put them at the dinner tables, and they could be ice breakers for people sitting with those they don't know. Since we will have people at the wedding from all different parts of our lives, not everyone will know each other, and at least this would spark conversations at dinner. I'm really into crossword puzzles, so that makes it fit too.

Gumball Machine Toy Rings
From Crystal & Adam

We're planning (although we haven't purchased them yet) on giving gumball-machine toy rings as favors. Before we were officially engaged but after we knew we *would* be at some point in the future, Adam starting getting me these little rings out of the red gumball machines that are inside the doors of grocery stores and discount stores (Wal-Mart, etc). He'd pop a quarter in and then do a grand proposal for me in the parking lot, or he'd bring it home and slip it into my hand without saying a any case, I now have an entire jewelry box drawer full of these little plastic bubbles with cheap-o rings that turn my fingers green. I know that no-one will keep them (except maybe the kids!), but it's something very special and fun and sweet. We'll also probably put some sort of a note inside each bubble about how a ring is the "eternal symbol of love" or some such sentimental goobley-gook. And the MC will tell the story behind them so everyone isn't confused. Haven't figured out yet exactly how to distribute them -- we're not having assigned seating, so do I enlist my small cousins to hand them out? Do we actually put some gumball machines inside the doors (this would be cute, wouldn't it?). I think that the rings will run us about 12 cents each if we buy them in bulk from a party-type store (the same places where grade school carnivals get their favors).

