Wednesday, 12 November 2008

I'm on Style Me Pretty!!!

I've been so excited to announce that I am now a member of the very elite Little Black Book on Style Me Pretty! I've been an avid reader of the Style Me Pretty blog for months now and knew all about the "list". You have to be asked on be on this list and I was thrilled when I got the call a few weeks ago. Abby is someone that I truly look up to professionally. She used to own her own custom design invitation business and now she is the founder of SMP - a blog that Martha Stewart reads daily. :)

So I was even more thrilled when one of my weddings was chosen to be featured on the new Little Black Book blog in it's first week! Check out Marcy and Matt's wedding. There are more posts to come so be sure to check back later for more fabulous pictures from Dionne at the Shooting Gallery!

