Wednesday, 23 July 2008


Before I give you any excuses let me give you a rundown of my week:

- Scraping glue off my kitchen floors until 1am in preparation for new, fantastic, beautiful floors that were installed monday
- Boarding a plane to NYC, working a bunch and getting back on said plane to return to Richvegas (of course there was a jaunt to Taste-D-Lite in there where I had the most amazing red velvet froyo on earth)
- Attending 80000,0000 meetings today
- Watching Bailey win the starring role on Legally Blonde (which I had guessed since I saw Bailey outside a theatre on my last trip to NYC)
- Scheduling a bunch of other immediate work trips for Thursday and Friday
- Letting out a congratulatory gasp last night when I found out Mrs. MMM is preggo

Now, give me a few hours and I will be back with a proper post. That is unless I drop from exhaustion in the meantime.

