Friday, 6 June 2008

Down to Business

First things first, I am EXTENDING the entry deadline for the Preppiest Wedding contest. So, if you were in or had the preppiest wedding out there, send me pictures by Monday. I have a bunch more weddings to post AND I will let you know all about the great prizes on Monday. And readers, remember to check in next week and vote for the Preppiest Wedding.

Second, I got an e-mail from Kristen at I Do Originals and she wanted to extend an awesome discount to preppy wedding readers to her new affiliate site Exclusively Sew. Check out the site, you can get monogrammed dress tags or bouquet ribbons AT 50 PERCENT OFF. That's right, half off. Just enter Preppy50 during check out. The coupon expires 6/30/08, so get to it ok?

Now girls, have a fantastic weekend. Enjoy the sun, have some fun and see you Monday!

