Monday, 28 April 2008

How To: Wedding Decorations With Balloons!

Balloons are a fun, festive way to decorate for a wedding reception. They can be used to accentuate positive hall features or hide features you’d rather not see. Balloons can be used as centerpieces or as wall decorations.

Everyone dreams of having the perfect reception spot but we can’t always find that one special hall. Maybe your hall doesn’t have the perfect ceiling. Balloons can be used to hide that ceiling in a couple of ways. One way to hide a ceiling is to cover it with helium balloons in your wedding colors. Another ceiling cover technique, or to lower ceiling for a more intimate gathering, is to create a balloon net. To create the net, run streamers, yarn, or fishing wire at the height you want back and forth across the hall from the north wall to the south wall. Run the net material from the east and west walls interwoven with the material already in place. Use double-sided tape at the intersections to assure your net stays in place. Blow up balloons with regular air and toss them into the net.

Balloons can be used to hide walls. To create a balloon wall, blow up the balloons with helium and attach to strings of varying lengths. Attach each balloon to a weight and place against the wall. The balloons should be placed close together with staggered heights to create the wall effect. This type of balloon wall can also be used if you’d like to make a big room smaller for a more intimate gathering, or if you’d like to divide a room into sections. In this case you would line up the balloons where you want the new “wall” instead of placing the balloons against a wall. Don’t forget to leave an opening or two in your new wall so people can come in and out. Balloon archways can accentuate these openings.

Balloons can be used as centerpieces. For a large balloon bouquet, use 11 inch balloons tied with long ribbons to a weight. 3-6 balloons usually makes a good centerpiece. A giant Hershey’s kiss is one example of a neat centerpiece weight. You can also use a small basket of flowers or sand wrapped up in felt or another covering. Make sure the ribbons are long enough that the balloons won’t hide the other people at the table when everyone is sitting down.

For a small balloon bouquet, use 5 inch balloons tied to pipe cleaners. Add silk leaves to enhance the flower effect. The bouquets can be placed in vases or decorated pots.

Balloon animals can also be used as an effective centerpiece idea. Make two different kinds of animals, one for the groom and one for the bride. Place a pair on each table. Balloon animals are easy to make and directions can be found in any library or on the net.

Balloons can also be used as large decoration pieces. Balloon archways can decorate an entrance to a hall or be used to highlight the head or cake table. Balloon sculptures in the shape of a heart, star, or a wedding bell look great on the walls.

Balloons can also be used as giant fortune cookies or as a way to give away the table centerpieces. For the fortune cookie effect, write several sayings on little slips of paper, roll the paper up and place in the balloon before inflation. To give away the centerpieces, put blank paper in most of the balloons and paper that says “centerpiece” in balloons for the same number of centerpieces. Allow your guests to select balloons and pop away to see if they are a winner. If you have young children at your reception please be careful with the balloon material after popping. This material can be a choking hazard to small children.

Whatever type of balloon decorations you are using, when using helium and latex balloons an excellent tip to keep them in the air is to buy a spray that helps keep the helium in the balloon. That way you can decorate the day before the wedding and not have to worry about walking in to a hall full of drooping decorations.

