Thursday, 24 April 2008

Alternatives To Wearing Wedding Make-up

I never wear make-up and I had no intentions of changing my ways for my wedding day. A few relatives and friends were concerned that I would not look like a bride, but a bigger concern was my future husband recognizing me as I walk down the aisle. There are ways to pamper yourself and brighten your completion without spending a fortune at the make-up counter for one day of use.

If you don’t wear make-up don’t be afraid to stand your ground. There are other ways to make a face flawless and presentable for flash photography without heavy application. The pushing and prodding from family members will only cause resentment if you give into their ideal of beauty.

A good place to start is waxing. The pain isn’t as bad as claimed, much less painful then your cousin chasing after you with a pair a tweezers. You should go several months in advance and ask the beautician to create a natural shape that cleans up around the brow any odd strays. They do forewarn that redness might occur on the upper lip area, so waxing should not be an idea to be experiemented with one week before the wedding.

Consider pampering yourself with a facial or two or three before the wedding. The clearer your skin is, the less need for any make to cover any blemished. The salon has various kinds of facials that will cleanse the pores and prevent stress pimples from showing up. Of course facials themselves will be a de-stressor as your wedding date comes up.

In fear of looking washed out in photos color some color is suggested. Color doesn’t have to be a blend of foundations along with multi-color shadow along your eyelids. There are plenty of cosmetic options without stepping outside your true persona.

An alternative to foundation is tinted moisturizer. Tinted moisturizers are much lighter then liquid foundations that many people find to suffocate their skin. They add color without the bronzing effect. Usually the cost for the tinted moisturizer is comparable to a good foundation, and you are more likely to reuse a moisturizer then a foundation.

Lip-gloss can bring as much shine to one’s lips as an expensive lipstick. Proper care with Chap Stick to prevent dryness will prevent the need for moisture for the lips through out the day. Many brides who fear make-up are scared of mascara, eyeliner, and eye shadow. If you feel like you are dressing up for a masquerade with eyeliner and eye shadow you can pass them up. Mascara though can be applied without smudging. Mascara does comes in clear, as oppose to black, brown, or blue. Clear mascara lengthens the lash and makes then remarkably fuller without the gunk factor.

Nails do not have to red-hot or even blushing pink. Many photos are close up of your wedding ring, holding your bouquet, or of cutting the cake. A focus should be made on clean unblemished nails with all of them even in length. Invest in a good nail clipper and nail file and practice or you can invest in a manicure, but don’t let the manicurist talk you into something you might not want.

Your hairstyle should be as subtle as your make-up. A big hair of unnatural curls or hair as stiff as cardboard done with a can of hairspray might not be the complementary option to your face. Splurge on yourself with a high-end shampoo and conditioner that will volumize your hair or large rollers to give your hair some body. Don’t be afraid of a professional who is willing to work with your style, she might be able to find something simple and natural, but be firm that your wedding day should resemble your concept of beauty not hers.

A comfort level must be met for your wedding day. This isn’t time for helmet head or throwing your hair around an elastic into a bun nor is it time to transform yourself into Tammy Fay Baker. Balance your expectation of yourself with the expectations of celebration. This is the event in which you will be photographed the most in your lifetime; make yourself ready for the cameras.

