I'm finally back in Richmond. And I may even unpack my suitcase this weekend. And go to the grocery store, since all we have is diet chocolate cherry doctor pepper (the whole chocolate thing sounds better than it tastes) and a few bottles of wine.

J Crew is killing me with their final sale 20 percent off again! I am really thinking about buying this top that I have been eyeing since January. And if you need a free ship code, FS0310 works for any amount.
Last, but not least, Mrs. Preppy Wedding has a birthday coming up on April 9th (and our one year anniversary is March 24). I thought I would create a masterful birthday wish list, just you know to dream!
J Crew Katie Sweater (in Geranium)
BR A-Line Skirt (in Millstone)
Tiffany's Black Onyx Toggle Bracelet
Two Ballard Designs Outdoor Pillows in Black Damask
Happy Friday everyone. We get to watch our precious 1 1/2 year old nephew on Saturday and Sunday, so I am very excited to see how Mr. Preppy Wedding and I fare in with a toddler.