Tuesday, 30 October 2007


Happy Halloween!!!!

So... I was born in 1970, I thought I would channel the disco era this year! I even wore the white "go go" boots. GROOVY!

I LOVE dressing up and seeing my friends and family dressed up for halloween. We always have toooo much fun!

On Sunday at our church, Mindi (my dearest friend and our layout artist/client service rep at My Personal Artist) and I dressed up for trunk-or-treat (this is when the kidders walk car to car to receive treats. She was a medieval princess and I was Peggy Sue!

Drum roll please...
My favorite costumes this year... this title goes to...
Congratulations Tina and Warren! My sister and brother-in-law...
Dog "the bounty hunter" and Beth Chapman!

You guys rocked. Creative and clever. "Beth" even ran after her guests as they arrived to the party, "STOP... fugitive! Dog, I got 'em!"

Happy Halloween to you all! Have a safe one!

Peace and Love!
