Tuesday, 1 May 2007

Preppy Hobbies

Well you all know that I have been in "trying to find something to do after planning the perfectly preppy wedding mode" so I thought I would share with you some of the results of my new preppy hobby - photography.

I'm taking a class at the local visual arts center and our big assignment was to frame shots better, add texture to our photographs and to play with aperture (in a nut shell, making things look blurry in the background). Now, I am just beginning, but I thought I would share the results of some of my hard work.

(This is actually one of the original door handles at our house)

And what better than to combine hobbies. Take a look at all the gardening I have been doing.

And you know for portraits, I had to enlist the help of LuLu & Dempsey.

Oh and take a look at what I call, self portrait (well and it does include the preppy lil sis). Bangs. I have bangs. I looked fear in the face and said - Chop it off.
So the moral for all you brides to be out there - there is life after the wedding!

