During my quest to find pretty ball gowns, I have stumbled on this AMAZING site, VINTAGEGOWN.com. I have always been in love with gowns of the past, and by past, I don't mean the horrid gowns from the 80's I've often feature here that are best forgotten. It's not so much the gowns on this site, but the history of beautiful gowns
, and the VEILS! I am probably as obsessed with veils as I am with dresses, but one so rarely sees beautiful veils. They even have a section on "opera glove etiquette"! Today's wedding dress designers could learn so much about class, style, and real beauty from days gone by.
So then I wanted to post some photos, but the website wouldn't let me copy them, so I found this other site, sovintagepatterns.com, with all kind of sewing patters, and well, I can't sew, but having seen some of these, I really wish I could! (all photos from sovinatepatterns.com)
I even managed to find some ball gowns :)