Monday, 12 February 2007

Preppy Wedding Weekend Update

Hope everyone had a great weekend. I had a great time at a sorority sister’s wedding here in Richmond. I was VP Membership in my sorority and it was my rush baby getting married, so all the girls were two years younger and can still throw the drinks back like they are 24. And most of them still refer to me as their pledge mom, which makes me feel ancient!

For all you ACC girls, Doug Clarke and the Hot Nuts played (they are still rocking after the death of Doug Clarke) the reception and they did perform the dirty set. It was great to hear another amazing rendition of Roll Your Leg Over, my personal fav.

We finalized our order of service on Sunday, so the count down is on. Response cards (mostly WE’RE COMING) are pouring in and every day my excitement grows a little more. The super cute husband-to-be is checking our knot webpage everyday and can tell you to the day how long it is until we get married.

In other news, that someone I’ll be marrying in 42 days (hope that’s right) ordered the fabulous first dress Mrs. P picked out for me as a thank-you for all the work I have doing on the wedding. I can’t wait to see it, just cross your fingers that it fits!

We also sat down last night with my in-laws-to-be and prepared the seating arrangement for the rehearsal dinner. While at their house, my mother-in-law-to-be introduced me to this fabulous new site for Turq-like jewelry at a much better price. Fandangle Beads is a Richmond-based company, but do have a pretty comprehensive online store.

I’ve picked a few of my favorites, I suggest you check them out!

