When throwing a shower ….
You SHOULD prepare music for the occasion that complements the theme
You SHOULD NOT include any music that includes the words butts or sexy
You SHOULD include other bridesmaids or family members to alleviate the financial responsibility of the shower
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HOULD NOT circulate a collection plate for guests
You SHOULD display pictures of your guest of honor prominently
You SHOULD NOT include pictures of Spring Break 1998 (otherwise known as the day she found tequila)
You SHOULD prepare music for the occasion that complements the theme
You SHOULD NOT include any music that includes the words butts or sexy
You SHOULD include other bridesmaids or family members to alleviate the financial responsibility of the shower
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You SHOULD display pictures of your guest of honor prominently
You SHOULD NOT include pictures of Spring Break 1998 (otherwise known as the day she found tequila)
You SHOULD do your best to introduce guest who do not know each other with commonalities.
You SHOULD NOT use alcohol or men as a commonality
You SHOULD track the gifts and gift-giver for the guest of honor
You SHOULD NOT use alcohol or men as a commonality
You SHOULD track the gifts and gift-giver for the guest of honor
You SHOULD NOT skip the gifts you know the bride will return