Hope everyone is having a very happy New Years. I always like the idea of a new year, clean slate and the ability to set goals for the year ahead. Unfortunately, if my behavior today is indicative of the year to come, my goals won't be met. There is something to be said for spending a rainy Monday in bed with On Demand!
I had quite a fun weekend. My best friend E was in town from NYC, so we spent the weekend closing down the bars on Robinson Street (if anyone knows Richmond, they know Robinson). I even found myself on standing on a booth doing a pretty stunning rendition of Sweet Caroline with the preppy lil sis.
The weekend ended with a fun dinner party at a friend's house with real,matching dishes (can't wait until I have my own) that was in walking distance to an inagural New Years party in Carytown (a cute shopping area in Richmond - for you ATL folks, it is a smaller Virginia Highlands). The amount of people who came for a NYC style ball drop was unbelievable. See below.

There was even a Johnny Cash cover band. Cheers!

Look at these preppy girls.

I want to thank everyone for the comments to the rehearsal dinner dress post. I love the feedback and I will keep looking (and posting) with more options. I wish I could show pics of the wedding dress, but the husband-to-be reads the blog and I wouldn't want to ruin it for him!
Hope everyone is having a great day and a Happy New Years, I must go. On Demand beckons.