Monday, 19 June 2006

Very Vera

This past Saturday I went to the Vera Wang sample sale again. No, I do not enjoy putting myself through this kind of torture, but for a myriad of complicated reasons, I had to go. This time it was not as bad as the one in December, probably b/c there was less hype about it (not mentioned anywhere -- I had to call them to find out) and probably b/c by this time, most weddings have already happened for the year or it's too late to find a dress unless you're getting married towards the very end of the year. For whatever reason, it was great b/c when we got there at 5:40 or so, there were only a few (maybe 20) ppl in front of us. Last time we showed up at 6:30 and the line had already snaked past half the room. This time, 7:00 rolled around and the line barely reached the same point we were waiting at last time at 9:30 (doors open at 8 and they incrementally let groups of 20-30 ppl in so you move along very slowly). We made the time go by faster by creating our version of Scattergories using the paper that they hand out listing the rules. We also brought breakfast to stave off the hunger. If not for the hard floor, it'd be quite enjoyable hanging out with friends and playing games.

We were the second group to be let in and with less ppl rushing around, it was a better shopping experience too. I think a lot of the gowns were in a lot better shape also. I was so tempted to try on more dresses (there were so many pretty ones). My friend, after trying on 3 dresses, decided to buy this gorgeous one with spaghetti straps and delicate flowers and silver embroidery. (She didn't want beads or anything complicated and tried on this one dress on a whim and this was her first gown shopping experience.) It was her size and in pristine condition -- a perfect find! My shopping experience was alright too. I found the last BM's dress and my mother also found a strapless brown dress (the cloth is a bit shimmery).

Despite the full page of rules that they give out (only 3 dresses per party, only 20 minutes in the dressing area, etc.), they are quite accomodating. They provide chairs by the door for "the men" who wait as the women look, they allow you to bring food and drinks in as long as you clean up and empty out the liquids by 9am, you can bring your folding chairs and towels to sit on, and you can have one person wait and the rest of the group join you in the same place on line. And best of all, my mother was 10 minutes late (she works nearby and gets off work at 8:30) and they let her come in and join me (I was already inside by then).

And we were done by 10:30am or so, when stores were just starting to open for the day. It was very surreal b/c it felt like it should be noon already -- I was so tired (still am)!!

